Looking for new ways to calm down and regulate your gut? In this post, we will discuss all the benefits of Vagus nerve therapies and how it comes into play with our bodies and gut health! Let us at Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle offer our tips!

Learn how to Calm your Vagus Nerve and Improve Gut Health!

What is the Vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is one of the longest cranial nerves that goes from the brainstem all the way to your abdomen. It starts at the base of the neck and extends all the way down.


The vagus nerve connects the body and brain and especially the gut. Think of it as the electrical line that delivers energy and important messages from the brain to the gut.

Here is a nice image from Medline of the location of the vagus nerve so you can see how it aligns with the body.

Why the Vagus Nerve & the GI tract are so interlinked

According to Jini Patel Thompson and her post on the vagus nerve, she found that an underactive vagus nerve can interfere with gut motility.

And according to scientific research: “the vagus nerve is an essential part of the brain-gut axis and plays an important role in the modulation of inflammation, the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis, and the regulation of food intake, satiety, and energy homeostasis.”


The Vagus nerve and Gut Connection:

  1. Stimulation of saliva
  2. Creates enzymes to break down the food
  3. The vagus nerve affects gut motility (too fast=diarrhea, too slow=constipation)
  4. Decreases Inflammation and Intestinal Permeability

Intestinal permeability is also referred to as leaky gut. When we do not have proper function of the vagus nerve, proper motility, and proper assimilation of the nutrients, these tight junctions in the epithelial lining of the gut lose their integrity.

This allows pathogens, toxins, undigested food, and bacteria to move through the bloodstream igniting the immune system causing an inflammatory response. This can cause a whole host of chronic health conditions.

These two parts of the body are so intertwined, as you will see in the rest of the blog! 🙂

Vagus Nerve regulation 

Regulating the vagus nerve is a term we like to use as it’s a nice way of saying “calm down the vagus nerve, or amp it up depending on which state you are currently in.”

Which “states” can one be in? Either parasympathetic or sympathetic. Ideally, we really want to be in parasympathetic, as that triggers the rest and digest. However, if you are being chased by a bear you need that kick of the sympathetic to save your life, so a balance needs to be in play. 

The sympathetic system controls “fight-or-flight” responses. In other words, this system prepares the body for strenuous physical activity. The parasympathetic system regulates “rest and digest” functions.

By regulating or stimulating the vagus nerve you can access these responses, mainly the parasympathetic.

The parasympathetic nervous system controls processes in the body such as digestion, repair, and relaxation. When the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant in the body it conserves energy, slows heart rate, increases digestion, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the digestive tract.


It also can stimulate saliva which promotes digestion and enzymes that help break down food. It also lowers heart rate and blood pressure, lowering stress.

*Tip from Dane:
This is one of the reasons Dane says that “while you are eating it’s important that you talk to a friend, watch a funny TV show, something that makes you smile.” This way your body associates a pleasant experience with eating and will most likely break down the food better.

Vagus Nerve Treatments

Here is where we break down all the treatments we have found to reach the vagus nerve:

1. Sensate

This is a device that can be used to further initiate meditation, calm, and access to the vagus nerve. We offer this product in our IBD shop because it is just that awesome!

See what the company says regarding their product:

Sensate offers Infrasonic Resonance, Soundscapes & Comforting Hums. Sensate’s mix of infrasonic frequencies and sound design send a powerful signal throughout the body. It Tones the vagus nerve using powerful and natural methods!

Using the sensate device for many is as peaceful as meditation.

Stress resilience is our body’s ability to recognize a challenging situation and choose a positive way to respond to it. It means that the body will return to a state of equilibrium faster.

By using Sensate, you can tone your vagus nerve which will help regulate your nervous system. You can measure the function of your vagus nerve by measuring your heart rate variability (HRV). A good HRV result assumes good vagal tone, so your nervous system will be more flexible and return to equilibrium faster after stress.

2. Vagus nerve stimulation through the ears.

Did you know that by touching certain parts of your ear you stimulate the vagus nerve? A light touch, holding the area, or tapping on certain trigger points of the ear for some people these points have greatly! This is a nice video you can try with different ear positions and see which one world for you.

One of our members touches behind her ear each day for a minute while meditating and has felt an instant “drop” into deep meditation.

3. Belly Breathing and Meditation

Belly breathing stimulates the vagus nerve as you are using the muscles in that area that connect to the vagus nerve. Deep breaths in which you actually move the belly in and out access the parasympathetic.

Here’s the pro tip though: do it in a calm environment and don’t force breaths. If you breathe in and out too hard it can actually trigger anxiety. Keep it natural yet a tad bigger breathes at first and work your way up.

4. Jini’s Vagus nerve Meditation

Jini offers an incredible meditation just for a vagus nerve release! People have tried this and felt immediate results in relaxation.

Please take advantage and use on a regular basis these 4 things, as they can really assist with IBD flares or ongoing maintenance! But one thing we have learned is doing a COMBINATION of the above is really what takes it to another level.

EX: Holding the ear points while using sensate and then finishing with Jini’s meditation.

Regulating stress goes hand in hand with regulating the gut, so make it a priority!

CCLifetyle Quick Tips

In this section, we provide you with simple takeaway tips and a quick reference guide from us so that you can implement this in your daily health regimen!

*A quick tip:
Using the techniques above can be amplified by doing them while in an Epsom salt bath or doing yoga! Dane’s favorite combo is yoga with Meditation, and then an Epsom salt bath with his Sensate 🙂

CCLifestyle’s Quick Reference Sheet- Vagus Nerve

  • Get your own “My Sensate” and amp up your healing journey with our special discount! 🙂

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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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