
Did you know that CCL offers free resources such as mediation? How does it assist with gut health? In this post, we will discuss all the benefits of doing meditation. Let us at Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle offer our tips on this awesome tool!

Use meditation for improved gut health!

What is Meditation?


Have you ever felt “in the zone” where you are so in tune and wrapped into the activity ect… that time escapes? That can be likened to meditation. Time escapes as you allow the thoughts and feelings to come in and out of your mind, with no judgment, and get a surreal experience to connect with your body. Some have had this incredible experience with meditation.


Meditation is a mental exercise that trains attention and awareness. Meditation gives you a feeling of control over your thoughts and feelings.


A practitioner of one of our members told her that meditation is “space between the thoughts.” Observing those thoughts, creating that space between you and them.

One of our CCL members Journey with Meditation

Let’s take a peek at one of our member’s inspiring story with meditation!

“I was diagnosed with UC in my early 20’s. I was a very motivated and driven person but always felt like I was constantly distracted and never felt that I had any control over my thoughts or feelings. When I began to experience UC symptoms, my inability to manage my thoughts or feelings spiraled out of control and the UC symptoms worsened. While I had made some changes that stabilized my condition for over 10 years, I experienced a flare about 2 years ago that was the flare to top all flares. Massive blood loss, mucus, diarrhea, malabsorption, malnutrition, dehydration, muscle wasting, etc., and during the first year of the flare I suffered dearly. I began working with a prominent functional medicine practitioner and he helped me really begin my journey into strengthening my ability to control my thoughts and feelings and started the unraveling process of resolving tons of long-held stressors buried deep inside of me.

Though I had made a lot of progress with my focus and attention, I still lacked the understanding of what was causing the UC symptoms and that’s when I found CCL and Dane.

Because I had done so much investigative work already and eliminated many of the common root causes, Dane was able to help me pinpoint my root cause and he provided the proper guidance to treat it. I found that mine was a viral load. Once we targeted the high viral load with the proper therapies, I saw immediate and profound improvements in my GI but also in my entire body and mind. I began to notice that I had less urgency, more energy, more focus, and clarity, it was as if the lights were coming back on inside me.

And, as I continued to address the stressors that I had buried long ago, I began to notice and experience new levels of health and well-being that I had once only dreamed of experiencing. Now, I wake up with the feeling of every single morning feeling like Christmas morning when I was a child! I move with ease and contentment throughout my day, courageously challenging my old beliefs and loving myself more and more.


When I began this journey and connected with CCL and Dane, I had a simple request like most of you. I just wanted to be well. I just wanted to have my health back. But, what I’ve learned and experienced along the journey was that my standard of health wasn’t very high. As I’ve grown as a person, I’ve raised my own standard to a new level of health and well-being because I value my health and my life more now than ever!


Now, I don’t just survive, I thrive. I believe that Dane and CCL want their clients to not just heal but to truly transform into the best versions of themselves. This has been my experience and is truly a gift and far more than I ever expected. I share all of this with you and ask you to join me on this incredible journey and in this beautiful life.”

Will’s Journey with meditation:

Meditation has played a valuable role in my healing journey because it has helped me develop the attention and focus and the feeling of control over how I think and feel. Meditation helped me to feel connected to my body again! For decades, I had felt like my body was waging a war against me. When I began to notice and observe that it wasn’t a war but rather a warning signal from my body to get my attention. My body was communicating what it needed from me. And, I had never seen it that way before.

This is when I realized that the blood in the toilet was not a sign of doom or a war being waged inside of me, but rather just a signal of what my body needed from me. It needed my time and attention. When I had this realization, everything for me changed. No more doom, no more panic, no more anxiety or worry. I felt my emotions calm down and when this happened, I began to experience a new level of physical calmness, peace, and serenity. I could easily accept whatever signal my body was communicating to me with open-mindedness and an attitude of gratitude.

I began to listen and pay attention to these signals and make the necessary changes and as I did this, the signals began to disappear and new signals began to appear. Instead of blood and mucus, urgency and pain, I began to experience normal bowel movements, fully digested food, calmness and peace I literally had never experienced in my life!

Now, I look for all those healthful signs from my body that I am on track with my health and well-being and that I am in balance and in alignment with myself. If this journey has taught me anything, it’s to be in balance and in alignment with myself. I thought I knew myself, but I’ve realized that if I just pay attention and focus on what my body is communicating, I will discover a whole new person! And, I dearly love this newfound person.

What is the link between meditation and the gut?

We think from our minds but we feel from our gut. Life is experienced through feeling, and connecting our thinking with our feeling is imperative to living the life you want. Meditation helps to connect our thinking and feeling and brings them into alignment.


  • Thinking – I have a healthy gut
  • Feeling – My gut feels calm and it feels easy to eat a healthy diet.

Stress and Meditation

Stress is a state of Dis-Ease. It’s an uneasy feeling! Something doesn’t feel right to us.

It could be in the form of worry, fear, or anxiety, and these are all feelings of not being at ease with ourselves. We all experience these feelings every day, but if we ignore the warning sign and let it fester long enough, it can move from our attention to the back of our minds and we don’t pay it the attention it deserves.

It’s just like if your ‘check engine light comes on on the dash of your car. The warning is to let you know something could be off in your car. Most people heed the warning, take it to the mechanic, diagnose the issue, fix the issue, and the light goes off. But, what if you put a sticker over the warning light? You take your attention off the warning and on to something else. You eventually forget about it. Next thing you know, your engine shuts down while you’re driving home from work because something was wrong and you ignored it and then forgot about it completely.

So, how does meditation help us eliminate stress in our lives? Well, it’s very simple. We need the ability to pay attention and have awareness of our bodies’ functionality as well as how it feels. The more in tune you are with your body and all its signs, the better you are able to notice and observe when your body feels at ease or not.

Meditation helps us to develop attention and awareness to be more mindful of our bodies and how they feel.

Meditation Benefits

There are numerous benefits to practicing meditation. But, the most beneficial part of a regular meditation practice is developing and strengthening the ability to focus your attention on what you want! And then, noticing how good it feels to have control over your thoughts and feelings. This is the massive value of meditation.

What about health benefits?

There are numerous health benefits to meditation, the one massive benefit that is most important for those who suffer from IBD is the impact meditation has on stress. As discussed above IBD (Crohn’s/Colitis) and stress can be very much linked together!

So again we would like to stress how important mediation, stress, and IBD can work harmoniously together!

Stress is really just a feeling of uneasiness (But feel free to call it worry, anxiety, fear, etc.) When we are able to notice that we are feeling uneasy and that this uneasy feeling is causing tension, pain, or indigestion in our guts, we feel empowered to do something about it. We can uncover why we feel uneasy, resolve it as a mechanic does in a car, and slip easily back into a state of ease again where our bodies are relaxed, balanced, and healthy.

Science backs up how meditation can help IBS!

Take a look at the info below on the direct interaction of meditation with genetics, IBS, IBD, and other chronic illnesses.

“For 48 patients suffering irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a 9-week study at Massachusetts General Hospital changed everything.
Meditation had somehow managed to beneficially alter more than 1,000 genes, including suppressing the nasty protein complex arsonist (NF-kB) responsible for igniting (inflaming) the immune system and GI tract.”

Said co-senior study author, Dr. Towia Libermann: “In both IBS and IBD, the pathway controlled by a protein called NF-kB emerged as one of those most significantly affected by the relaxation response.”

With monumental implications, meditation effectively disables the genetic trigger linked to so many nasty gut/non-gut related diseases (anxiety, depression, MS, Autism, Parkinson’s, & more), while short-circuiting the body’s endless stress response cycle.

To illustrate the implications, if a pack of mischievous bears were the lone culprits behind your twisted-up microbiome, then meditation would chase them back into their cave for a “permanent winter hibernation.”


What Dane (founder of CCL) says about meditation

Dane who created Crohn’s Colitis Lifestyle and had Crohn’s disease himself has found that daily meditation helped him stay on track with his health while experiencing vagus nerve calming and mental clarity.

He says: “I never wanted to meditate…then I realized it calmed me down which calmed down my symptoms. It cleared my mind which gave me more insight on how to heal. It starting feeling really GOOD to do Breathwork!”

Still curious about mediation? See how it has changed lives and impacted their journey with IBD!

 A CCL member relates:

“I need for me to focus on my diet, my lifestyle, my stressors, and bringing all of these important components into balance. This had a tremendous impact in resolving the UC symptoms because we all know how it feels to see blood in the toilet and have that wave of impending doom spread from head to toe.

Meditation has helped me to change how I felt in those moments and when I felt different about what I saw in the toilet, it changed the meaning. When I saw blood in the toilet, instead of feeling impending doom, I felt grateful that my body was taking good care of me and letting me know where it was. When I felt grateful instead of doom, I was able to relax and calmly adjust what was needed in order to eliminate what was causing the bleeding. This is when I realized that IF I CHANGE HOW I FEEL ABOUT WHAT I EXPERIENCE, I CHANGE THE MEANING. SO, I NO LONGER FELT IMPENDING DOOM, INSTEAD, I FELT GRATEFUL AND ACTUALLY HAPPY MY BODY WAS DOING WHAT IT DOES BEST, TAKE GOOD CARE OF ME.”

A CCL Community Testimonial

Here is a video testimonial of how this member experienced the benefits of mediation!

CCLifetyle Quick Tips


In this section, we provide you with simple takeaway tips and a quick reference guide from us so that you can implement this in your daily health regimen!

*A quick tip:

Dane loves to use meditation during yoga, stretching, and his infrared sauna. He has found that meditation is amplified when combining these healing techniques. 

CCLifestyle’s Quick Reference Sheet

  • Use meditation at any time you need it! But it’s the MOST effective when you make it a daily practice to regulate your body, immune system, and gut functions for maximum efficacy.

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Painful Periods and the Gut-learn the connection!
1 year ago

[…] 5. “I found that I needed to focus on the emotional component of my pain and flare during periods. As a direct result of stress and trauma, my periods were unbearable. Once I unraveled the trauma and stress my uterus in minutes relaxed and cramps were gone! Now I am able to belly breathe through any cramps that arise and they are gone in minutes while I do EFT tapping, positive affirmations, and meditation.” […]

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