
Unwrapping The Mind-Body Connection

Can you do me a favor?

Imagine for a second you get a call from a close relative… You answer the phone and they seem to be having a hard time speaking. Something is obviously wrong, they are upset and you don’t know why. You ask “what’s wrong?” but no response is given. Then you ask again, and again…they can’t seem to get it out.


Your anticipation for this dramatic moment is growing stronger and stronger until you now must know! Then they say it… a direct family member passed away…You are crushed. Your eyes swell up, you go into a panic of extreme desperation and loss. You lose control over your body and emotions entirely. In your mind, your universe has been completely turned upside down in a paralyzing way…

Now, we all know something like this would have devastating consequences in any of our lives; consequences of extreme physical, spiritual, and emotional reactions that could possibly leave us unable to go on on living. However in this example, nothing physically happened to you. You didn’t witness anything, you didn’t feel any direct pain, you really aren’t absolutely certain this idea is true. You were only told a terrible idea, which was convincing enough for you to believe. However, the outcome it has on you is more or less the same, devastating.


What we believe has an enormous effect on our lives in every way imaginable. This belief has the power to build or destroy anything we think of or feel. My question to you is…if such a negative belief can have such a negative effect on our universe, can a positive belief do the same?


The mind is a powerful part of the body, what we choose to believe more than often tends to become our realities. As Confucius said “Those who say they can and those who say they can’t; are both usually right” Whether it’s true or not isn’t always as black or white as the example above but it leads us to a point that we don’t always consciously know; the trauma of what happens in our lives directly effects the entirety of our being.

With that fact in mind I ask, is it possible for the opposite effect to be realized? If we plant seeds of positivity like love, passion, and self-acceptance into our lives in a habitual way, we can start to witness the positive dividends in not only our physical being but our spirit, emotions, and loved ones lives. Sounds like a win-win to me! Ying-n-Yang baby!


The key to a thriving mind body connection is first the realization of its power and how we may utilize this universal truth to our benefit. Only then can we make a conscious decision to build positive momentum or negative momentum in hopes to truly understand this incomprehensible truth.

It may not always be so easy to grasp, but it is always there for the taking. So lets start the day with positive power, lets start the day with a smile for goodness sakes =)


Outfit: Banana Republic Photographer: Sierra Prescott

In order to mitigate a reaction and symptoms, follow our four secrets!


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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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Digestion & Mucosal Healing

The Benefits of doTERRA Essential Oils for Gut Health: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to maintaining good gut health, many individuals turn to natural remedies for support. One such option that has gained significant popularity is the use of doTERRA essential oils. With their powerful properties and potential benefits, doTERRA oils have become a go-to choice for individuals seeking relief from gut-related conditions like Crohn’s disease and colitis.

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Three Steps to A Healing Diet

Many of us who suffer from Crohn’s & UC have tried a variety of diets to heal our system from IBD but rarely with much success.




Is it about being Gluten Free? Dairy Free? Vegan? Paleo? Alkalizing? Raw?


With so many options available, we need a guideline to not only what we eat; but also a guideline on how to eat it. Our goals should be to eliminate not just unhealthy foods but also foods that don’t work for our personal systems.


Our bodies are all unique and react to foods differently but there are common “rules of thumb” we can implement to start healing the gut, reducing daily bowel movements, bleeding, bloating, pain, indigestion, etc…


3 steps you can take to increase healing are:

  • Elimination Diet
  • Food Preparation
  • Semi -Elemental Diet

These steps are not meant to complicate our lives but simplify them and help free us from the symptoms of Crohn’s & Colitis.


  • We start with an elimination diet to get an idea of what foods are causing damage and start removing them from our diet.
  • We prepare our foods in a manner that increases absorbability, lowers risk of reaction, taste good, and nourishes our systems.
  • We then can use a semi-elemental diet to satisfy the elimination diet and food preparation. These meals tend to be extremely healing and a “go to” for optimal results.

Elimination Diet



“A diet regimen aimed at identifying foods or additives that may be causing an allergy or symptom usually involving the removal of suspected foodstuffs from the diet then adding them back one at a time to see which ones make the symptoms recur.” 


It’s not just about what you eat but what you DON’T eat. What you don’t eat could be considered even more important than what you do eat, especially when you’re health is in critical condition. Our goal is to create an environment in your G.I. that stops damage and allows your body the chance to start healing.


Imagine a scratch on your arm….the more anything comes in contact with it the more irritated, infected, and inflamed,it will become. The digestive tissues in the G.I. work much the same. All body needs a consistent amount of uninterrupted time to heal. In some cases, foods which are considered “healthy” can hurt our stomachs even more than the “unhealthy” foods. Does this mean you should eat Mcdonalds Burgers & Saltine Crackers because you don’t seem to get a belly ache?




But it does give us an idea of how we can create a win/win/win scenario with our diet.



  • Doesn’t cause further damage
  • Is nutritious to our personal systems
  • Taste good!

Implementing an elimination diet can be the very thing our bodies need to restore health. In many cases, people suffering from Crohn’s/Colitis see a dramatic difference from consistently practicing an elimination diet.

Example Meal 1:


  • Organic Skinless Chicken Breast no seasoning (base) or Avocado (vegan base)
  • Steamed Zucchini, Carrots, and Squash
  • Boiled White Potato

Example Meal 2:


  • Organic Skinless Chicken Breast w/ marination (base)
  • Steamed Broccoli, Beets, Diced Onion
  • Boiled Sweet Potato

Example Meal 3:


  • Organic Skinless Chicken Breast w/ Salt, Garlic, Lemon Pepper (base)
  • Stir-fried Asparagus, Cucumber, butternut squash
  • Sprouted Brown Rice

And so forth…


This will give you an idea of how you handle a variety of items and give you some staple meals and foods you can get when you’re traveling, at work or at restaurants. It’s not just about the healing effect but also the knowledge to handle stressful moments outside of your house.


These meals are not forever, they are more about giving the G.I. tract time to heal and learning the avenues you can take to live life on your terms.


This can also be done with the elemental shake (seen later in this blog)

Food Preparation

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you can eat a certain food but then other time you can’t?


Was it the way you cooked it? The spices? The stress you were under when you ate it? Hormones? How intense of a flare you were in?


The answer is all the above


During a flare we need to take many aspects into consideration. Our bodies are in a weak state that cannot handle the stress of most foods so we need to prepare our meals and our system to give us the best chance of healing.We can do this by making sure are nervous systems are in a parasympathetic state and our foods are cooked for optimal absorption.


Here are some methods that could help:


  • Chew your foods at least 30 times
  • Make sure your salivating before you eat (parasympathetic state)
  • Drink no more that 4oz of liquid while eating – preferably drink nothing until 30 minutes after eating
  • Use a steamer to cook your foods when possible – highly steamed is better
  • Use an oven to bake your foods
  • Don’t eat raw vegetables unless you know you handle them
  • Eat Organic Use an oil with a high smoke point when cooking (Ex: Coconut Oil)
  • Play peaceful music throughout the day
  • Enjoy the meal with loved ones
  • Eat outside

Give some of these ideas a try and see if you notice a difference.


In the beginning, you may only feel a small difference but a strong house is built one brick at a time! If we combine these daily actions into our eating regimen we can see a dramatic difference without actually changing the type of food we’re eating.


Make sense?


It’s not just what we’re eating it but how we are eating it. Which foods and how we consume them are both very important for healing. To start try adding 4 of the top examples to your daily regimen. After 1-2 weeks add 1 more, then 1 more 1-2 weeks later, and so forth…

Feels Good to Feel Good!

If we can practice the majority of the above options we start changing our lifestyle in a way that promotes gut health. Soon it won’t be work at all, just lifestyle choices that make you feel good.


It’s not necessarily “work” to stop things that make us feel bad, we just know better over time. This is a principle many of us take up as get older anyways…


For example, chewing your food 30 times, drinking less that 4oz of water with your meal, salivating when eating, and eating outside are easy daily actions with minimal effort. It’s important to note we rarely find one method that dramatically heals our system. It’s the daily cumulative actions we take that create an overall difference in our health


Semi – Elemental Diet


Define –


“Contains nutrients as small molecular weight compounds, i.e. proteins as amino acids or peptides, carbohydrates as oligosaccharides or monosaccharides, and fats as medium-chain triglycerides. Used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disease. Called also monomeric diet.” (ListenToYourGut.com)


In short, an elemental meal is when the nutrients is broken down into more absorbable matter.


Think of a smoothie, shake, or pureed food…


Depending on your personal situation, an elemental or semi-elemental diet may be a fantastic healing meal in your regimen.


A semi-elemental diet is when a certain amount of meals are in liquid form. Meaning not all of our meals are elemental only some of them. This protects us from the possible issues of having a fully liquid diet while maintaining our lifestyle and stressors.


We can add nutritious foods and supplements into an elemental shake that can help:


  • Lower inflammation
  • Make a vegan meal
  • Heal ulcers
  • Regulate the immune system
  • Massage the gut lining, counteract anemia
  • Add bulk to BM’s
  • Proper absorption
  • Revitalize the human body.

A full elemental diet is very healing and can be done for 1-2 days (or much longer) when you have downtime, but a semi-elemental diet is easier to sustain in the long run.I suggest you work with a physician before trying a full on elemental diet for a long period of time. These meals allow our bodies to soak up an abundance of nutrients while using a quarter of the energy to do so.


Elemental meals are easily made free of dairy, gluten, refined sugars, and lectins. This makes it much easier is to follow the rules of the elimination diet and food preparation. In under 5 minutes we can make a raw, vegan, nutritious, organic, great-tasting, and easily absorbable meal that is healing on our system.


A win/win/win under 10 bucks!

Elemental Shake 

If you experience any adverse effects, chances are you added something your body cannot take, you drank it too fast, you were in a stressed state, or you needed to add healing ingredients like Grounded Psyllium Husk or Grounded Slippery Elm.

Digestive Healing Shake (organic) 

  • Vegan Protein (optional – Nano Vegan Pro – Link) Coupon Code: “Dane20″ for 20% off
  • Handful of spinach (baby spinach preferred)
  • 1 Medium Avocado
  • 1-2 Frozen & very Ripe Banana
  • 1-2 cups Frozen Strawberry/Blueberry
  • 1 oz. lemon Juice
  • 1-2 tablespoons each of finely grounded Psyllium Husk & Slippery Elm
  • 16-24 oz. water (alkaline water preferred)

Let us acknowledge that none of this is easy, self discipline is heavily weighted on faith and persistence.


There is great opportunity in our adversities. Self empowerment is priceless and where we overcome, we also become stronger. Focus on where you want to be and simple solutions that bring peace & freedom to your life – these methods are not chains but wings!


Please email us at Info@CrohnsColitisLifestyle with further questions or to set up a consultation. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to helping you achieve your remission!

In order to mitigate a reaction and symptoms, follow our four secrets!


You can find all of the products mentioned in our CCLIFESTYLE shop at discounted rates with the First10 – 10$ discount code!


P.S If you sign up for our newsletter you can receive a 10% discount code for EVERY order!


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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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Digestion & Mucosal Healing

The Benefits of doTERRA Essential Oils for Gut Health: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to maintaining good gut health, many individuals turn to natural remedies for support. One such option that has gained significant popularity is the use of doTERRA essential oils. With their powerful properties and potential benefits, doTERRA oils have become a go-to choice for individuals seeking relief from gut-related conditions like Crohn’s disease and colitis.

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How to College with Crohns and Colitis

First things first: What do we mean “to college”?


To college means to have the most epic four years of your life in which you:


  • Grow into your own person
  • Create lasting friendships
  • Make lifelong memories
  • Obtain knowledge and skills to advance toward your goals
  • Have a sh*t ton of fun along the way!


But Crohn’s and Colitis can make even the most exciting times seem daunting or sometimes even totally impossible. So how does one “college” with C&C?


We’ve broken it down for you into 3 parts:


  • Home flow
  • Preparation and Balance
  • Social Life


Part I: Home Flow

Whether we’re sick, just had a bad day at work/school, or are fighting with a best friend/significant other, home is one of the first places we tend to want to go. Why? Because our home is our healing center. Home is the place we go to be comfortable, unwind, and relax. If your home is going to be your haven, it’s important to make sure to create an ideal living space for yourself.


How to nail your home flow:


  • Candles
  • The comfiest pillow of all time
  • Blackout curtains
  • Perfect decorations
  • Epsom salt baths (Looking at you too, guys. They’re great…get over it!)
  • Pictures of you and friends on the fridge/walls
  • A whiteboard for friends to leave fun notes or list your weekly goals
  • Yoga mat/guitar/something you enjoy doing
  • Book Shelf with your favorite inspirational books

Basically, make your house, apartment, or dorm the coolest place on campus!


News flash: we are not telling you to put empty $10 liquor bottles on display over your fridge. Really not cool, guys… We mean be the house everyone loves to walk into because:


  1. It’s super clean,
  2. You have the most comfortable couch on earth,
  3. An awesome Bluetooth speaker,
  4. And great TV/gaming system…


You get the idea—essentially the ultimate bachelor/bachelorette pad.


But having a cool place can definitely get a little tricky in college between dorms, roommates, and noisy neighbors. There is no simple solution to these problems, but the best approach is communication.


Communication is a major key to ensuring your home flow.


When choosing a roommate, it’s important to have an open and positive conversation about the type of lifestyles you both live. This is especially true for someone with IBD.


Whether you are in a dorm, apartment, or house; living with another person can be tough. Being upfront and open about any specific needs either of you may have will ensure the best possible experience for everyone involved. Some of these may include:


  • Waking and sleeping habits
  • Quiet hours
  • Guests
  • Privacy preferences
  • Cleanliness
  • Sharing of food/belongings

Where to Live

Picking where to live is just as important as picking with whom to live. If communal bathrooms and a small, shared living space don’t really sound like your thing, maybe stay away from the dorm style living.


Love the idea of being able to run down the hall to borrow sugar? Opt for an apartment rather than a house. Does the idea of noisy neighbors make you cringe? Then maybe the apartment thing isn’t for you after all. There are plenty of these questions to consider when choosing the best place to live, but the most important thing after that is to make your living space the best possible space for you to live in!


Part II: Preparation and Balance

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with C&C during college does not mean you can’t have an epic college experience. It just might take a little extra thought and planning, but if you do it right, in the end your experience will be better than you could have imagined. This is accomplished greatly through preparation and balance.


Choosing Your Courses

When choosing a course schedule, balance out some of your harder core classes with classes that will enrich your life while simultaneously reducing your stress. There are tons of options:

  • Pottery
  • Mindfulness
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Poetry
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Nature and Wildlife
  • Sketchbook Development

Basically, if you can think of it, it’s probably a class! Be creative and find something you enjoy that maybe doesn’t require you to spend ten hours a day in the library.


Preparing Your Meals

In addition to planning your classes, planning out meals will also help you avoid stress and stay on track for your healthy lifestyle! Starting the day off with a steady regimen of supplements and a good breakfast like a healthy shake will get your day off to the best possible start. Breakfast is the easiest way to build a consistent regimen – start there! Knowing the best places to get C&C friendly foods around campus for days when meal prep isn’t an option is a good idea, as well as trying to bring healthy snacks with you to keep you going throughout the day.


Breakfast Recipe:

All Organic, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free


  • 3-4 organic eggs (scrambled cooked in EV Coconut Oil)
  • 1 medium Organic Sweet potato (Steamed, add pinch of salt or your favorite spice/herb)
  • ½ Organic Cucumber (sliced, add lemon juice, favorite herb/seasoning)
  • ½ cup of Organic Blueberries
  • 4-6 oz of tea, shake or water, add maca root at your discretion

**Maca root is awesome to have on hand as a caffeine substitute that’s healthy, easy to digest and stimulates healthy hormone production!**

Invest in a sturdy backpack to keep your snacks and other goodies in!


Healthy Snacks will help keep you energized and focused!


Water will keep you hydrated (add a splash of lemon for an extra kick of flavor, detox, and a boost of vitamin C!).


It’s always a good idea to have supplements on hand in case of an emergency like: slippery elm, turmeric, omega 3 oil caps, and amp floracel.


Extra Clothes are great to have for a quick change after a workout or an IBD emergency


Peppermint mouthwash helps combat nausea and will help you to freshen up if need be

Part III: Social Life

When I first started college I was drunk with my newfound freedom–both figuratively and literally. But after a few months of going nonstop, I was reminded of my old friend, Crohn’s Disease. I thought to myself, why won’t this thing just leave me alone? But like a stubborn ex or an old article of clothing you just can’t seem to purge from your closet, Crohn’s always seemed to pop back up. After my first crazy college semester, I realized something much more valuable than anything my professors had ever taught me: Crohns and Colitis is not the end of the world and it can be overcome! We just gotta find that balance!


Choose Your Friends Carefully

Who you are choosing to surround yourself with makes a huge impact on your life. Like choosing a roommate to help with your home flow, you should focus on finding positive, transparent friends who will make a good support system if the time comes. Being in college means you may be far away from your usual support system of family, friends, and doctors for the first time. Keep in mind that the people you choose to have around you during this time will be the ones you’ll want to count on to step up if the time comes that you find yourself missing your home support system.


Have Daytime Fun!

Happiness leads to healthiness. Doing things that are fun and make you happy is a huge part of living a healthy lifestyle. Focus on daytime activities to do with friends like working out, attending yoga classes, cook dinner with friends, movie night, driving to a beach/park, or going to a concert. There’s always something new and fun happening in college towns! Colleges also offer many clubs and organizations you can join from honor societies, to Greek life, to camping clubs, to support groups with fellow students dealing with IBD or similar situations.


Daytime activities are definitely the way to go. They’ll leave you feeling happy, fulfilled, and probably very ready to dive into your way-too-comfy pillow by bedtime, but if you do want to go out a few nights and have some drinks with friends, we say go for it if you like—but be smart! The best option is obviously to stay clear of alcohol altogether, but for many, that’s just not happening. So if you do decide to, keep in mind:


  • Who you’re drinking with
  • How/Where you’re drinking
  • What you’re drinking

1. Who you’re drinking with

This comes back to the importance of genuine and transparent friends. If your friends care about you and know about your IBD, they will be far less likely to pressure you when drinking and will be much more likely to understand and support your decisions.


2. How/Where You’re Drinking

We all have those nights where drinking isn’t just a leisure thing, but a competition of who’s who in the college world. We’ve all had those nights of playing drinking games that left us victorious on the field but not so victorious in the BR. Story of our lives right? If you can, drink out of your own cup only and fill it with a substance you know you can tolerate.

3. What You’re drinking


Usually, clear liquids are your best bet. Go for gluten-free liquors like Vodka or Tequila because they’re the cleanest and have shown to be easiest on the gut.


For Most:


  • White Wine > Red Wine
  • Vodka/Tequilla > Bourbon/Whiskey
  • GF Beer/Pale Ale > Dark Beers

Mix clear liquors with some soda water and a dash of lemon or lime. Lemon and lime will help counteract the acidic damage from the alcohol while giving your body a boost of nutrients. It’s also a good idea to pop some TURMERIC, SLIPPERY ELM and OMEGA 3 to help reduce inflammation, as well as a MULTIVITAMIN to replenish lost vitamins & minerals. This will also help reduce a hangover, so share them with your friends to become the most popular guy/gal at the party! *High Fives All Around

So what the heck did we just say?

Basically, Crohn’s and Colitis should never stop you from doing anything you want to do in your life, and it certainly doesn’t have to keep you from college-ing. It is possible to live a healing life without giving up that epic college experience you’ve always imagined. Obviously we think you should eat clean, do what’s best for you and stay away from alcohol, but if you must, these tips should help you make it everything you have dreamed it could be!

In order to mitigate a reaction and symptoms, follow our four secrets!


You can find all of the products mentioned in our CCLIFESTYLE shop at discounted rates with the First10 – 10$ discount code!


P.S If you sign up for our newsletter you can receive a 10% discount code for EVERY order!


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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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Digestion & Mucosal Healing

The Benefits of doTERRA Essential Oils for Gut Health: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to maintaining good gut health, many individuals turn to natural remedies for support. One such option that has gained significant popularity is the use of doTERRA essential oils. With their powerful properties and potential benefits, doTERRA oils have become a go-to choice for individuals seeking relief from gut-related conditions like Crohn’s disease and colitis.

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Dating With Crohn’s and Colitis

Dating is complicated… We won’t try to sugarcoat it! Why else would there be countless magazine articles, blog posts, podcasts, and books all about this one topic? We go into love usually kicking & screaming half the time always thinking we were innocent! We hate, then love, then hate again…It’s a tough business this dating thing… Throw the awkwardness of IBD into the mix and it may seem more appealing just to hide behind your computer screen and avoid the whole thing completely. However, fortune favors the bold, so let us show you how to jumpstart your dating life!


Believe it or not Crohn’s and Colitis can give you an edge when it comes to dating. Seriously! But it’s all about how you handle the situation. Let us explain…

1. Show You’re “Real”: Dating can be super intimidating for both people involved. We all love to admire the star football player with the perfect booty and the blonde cheerleader with the amazing…ya know ;). But when it comes to actually forming a relationship, we are all looking for something “real”. Having something like Crohn’s Disease gives you a “realness”, and depth about you. No matter a person’s looks, we all desire something deeper and stronger to connect with – as The Beatles so famously said, “love is all we need”.


2. Mental 6 Pack: Every flare is like a cross-fit session for your brain. Owning it and overcoming adversity makes you look like a total boss and someone who can handle the punches to the gut so to speak. You’ll need that six pack strength when dealing with your partner and the lovely roller coaster we call life.


3. Meet the Parents: Being a real, compassionate, strong, and health-conscious individual will score you major brownie points with the ‘rents! Who wouldn’t want such a positive influence around their son or daughter? Plus, they’ll know their son/daughter is in good hands if you play the “I don’t party/drink/stay out too late” card.

4. Healthy is Hot: Crohn’s and Colitis inspires us to live a healthier lifestyle by being conscious of both our physical and mental health. The condition requires we learn how to eat healthy, be positive, see the good in each day and take responsibility for our lives. Owning our health mentally, physically and spiritually is sexy no matter who you are and whether you’re considered “sick” or not!


Imagine the hottest version of yourself. What attributes do you have in the glory of all your full hotness? Are you strong minded? Ripped? What kind of lifestyle would you have? What does your hot self eat and do to keep it up? How do you handle all of that attention?? The lifestyle choices for healing Crohn’s/Colitis and being the “best you” are one in the same.

People who care about their health are automatically more attractive. So when we take the extra step to implement a healthy lifestyle we win on two fronts. We’re hotter and healthier!


There are all kinds of scientific studies about humans being more physically attracted to healthy people because of our desire for biological advancement and these things called pheromones…or something like that. We won’t go too far into it because


1) we’re not scientists


2) this is not a science post.

But it’s a thing; just trust us on this one.


Someone who would rather sit on the couch eating pizza and drinking beer every night doesn’t sound like a healthy partner for anyone, C&C or not!


Plus, who would want to invite a greasy, gassy, lazy, and all-around downer of a person into their life, or their bed, anyways? Goodbye. Speaking of beds…

The First Sleepover

You’ve been dating this person for a while and you’re like…totally feeling the connection. You’re both ready to take the next step in your relationship but just as things are starting to heat up in the bedroom, the bathroom calls. There’s no better way to ruin the moment than with an IBD emergency. So what is a guy/gal to do?! Running to the bathroom in the middle of a steamy moment can completely kill the vibe. Some situations are totally out of our control, but these tips will definitely help that first sleepover whether you’re looking for a relationship or not.


Hopefully, by the time you’ve reached the sleepover stage in dating, the communication about your health and how you feel about things will already be established. Good communication will make the transition a whole lot easier—not to mention your connection under the sheets will most likely be stronger too! Whether you’re looking for a serious relationship or not, we suggest that you…


1. Go to your place
Have you ever seen that scene in Along Came Polly when Ben Stiller’s character totally clogs Jennifer Aniston’s toilet in a post-spicy dinner catastrophe? The poor guy couldn’t find her plunger and things got pretty shitty!


Having the first sleepover at your place will make you feel much more comfortable and help you avoid some awkward situations. Be sure that your home flow is top-notch.


Also, when you’re at home you have all of your emergency supplements (ie: slippery elm, DGL, Turmeric, Omega 3’s), your own bathroom, and a change of clothes if you need them!

2.) Watch what you eat

The Ben Stiller spicy food incident from the movie Along Came Polly brings us to our next point: if you’re thinking of getting intimate, plan accordingly. AKA an ideal dinner before the “dessert” definitely wouldn’t be a large pepperoni pizza with fries and a coca-cola. Stick to clean/safe foods that you know will give you energy without upsetting your stomach.


Better yet, you can go for an elemental shake, which will be super easy to digest and give you plenty of energy. **Add maca root to your shake to kick start your labido.** Whether you have IBD or not, doing the right thing in the kitchen will help you out later in the bedroom. The right foods will provide you with energy and keep you from fatiguing, making your experience that much better!


3. Plan ahead
Before things get hot and heavy, it helps to be prepared. If you’re planning that special night, try to pick a time when you’re feeling well or expecting to feel well. Of course some things are out of our control, but try to avoid those times when you know you tend to feel sick (like when stressing about an upcoming exam or Monday after a long weekend).


If you know you might be spending the night with someone, you may want to consider doubling up on your supplements that day as an extra boost and using the restroom before hand so you’re not awkwardly departing just as things start heating up!


One of the things we have found most challenging is when to bring it up. Usually it comes out in natural conversation when you first eat or make a comment about sometimes having stomach issues. We like to lead them to ask the question instead of just blurting it out. That could create one of those awkward silent moments and no one is loving that!


But if it doesn’t come up – our advice is to let them know you live a specific type of lifestyle because you get stomach issues sometimes. The term “Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis” can be scary if they have no idea what it is and it’s much easier to hint at the fact that you take it easy sometimes to stay healthy with a nice smile on your face.


If you mention it right up front you can move on and focus on what’s really important: building a relationship! If they don’t understand or react unfavorably you might be better off without this negative Nancy. Can you imagine being in a strong relationship with someone who can’t be supportive of such an issue. Imagine building a family with this person, introducing them to your friends/family, or god forbid having any other tough situation in life where you need their support – Give em the boot!


If it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to come right out and unload every detail of your medical history onto this person during the previews on your first movie date, but it’s good to get at least the idea out there. For example, while choosing where to go on your date, you could say, “I don’t eat (fill in the blank) food because it makes me not feel well”. You don’t have to use the words “Crohn’s” or “Colitis.”


Usually, how you think about it is how they’ll think about it. If you choose to embrace it and use it to empower yourself, your partner will usually admire your strength and feel much more comfortable with expressing their life hardships. Remember, they aren’t perfect either and who knows what they’re worried about expressing to you.


If they do respond well then this has given the two of you the opportunity to become closer and build a stronger relationship with one another. Sharing something personal about yourself gives them a chance to share something personal about themselves with you in return.


Maybe all first dates should start with something personal??


Or not…? Maybe just stick to reading Cosmo on that one!

Fun Date Ideas when Dealing with a Flare

Thinking of fun date ideas can be tough for anyone, but especially so when trying to think of stuff to do while you’re going through a flare!



  • 3-4 restaurants you know you do well with
  • Netflix and Chill
  • Cooking at home w/ game night
  • Bowling Shopping (stores with restrooms)
  • Massages A walk (park or city close to restrooms)

Activities we DON’T recommend during a flare:

  • Roller coasters
  • Sky diving
  • Horseback riding
  • Wine tasting
  • All you can eat buffet
  • Fast food
  • Scary movies
  • Rock concert

Use your best judgment based on how you feeling but anything that makes it hard to get to a restroom and can be stressful should be avoided! Also, if this person is constantly suggesting things that don’t mesh well with your life, and they don’t enjoy the things you suggest, they may not be a great fit for you!


Your relationship with your partner should be like peanut butter and jelly, cookies and cream, chocolate chips, and muffins… I’m running out of foods that pair well together but basically what I’m trying to say is that one of the most important aspects of dating is to find someone who shares a similar interests, likes/dislikes, and lifestyles as you do!


Netflix and chill is a perfect, low-key, and cheap date idea for anyone—especially someone with C&C. You can enjoy a home-cooked meal that’s perfect for your body, watch a movie, and snuggle up to your bae all from the comfort of your own couch!


If you do decide to do something a little less low-key, then our advice is to be prepared. If you go to a water park, for example, use the restroom while it’s convenient instead of waiting until you’ve climbed ten stories up to the top of a slide. Trust us, you don’t want to leave your date waiting for you alone and phoneless, with nothing but their thoughts to pass the time, while you run down ten flights of stairs only to wait in a bathroom line of a hundred water park attendees—definitely less than ideal, friends.


When talking about the first sleepover, communication is huge. That’s true in any relationship; it helps people connect, as well as develops the relationship into something deeper, more meaningful, and more beneficial for both people involved. C&C is just one more reason to establish strong communication from the very beginning and maintain it throughout your entire relationship.

Putting it all together


Dating is this crazy/messy/slightly insane thing that countless people all over the globe choose to do each and every day. Why? Because when you find that special someone it makes it all worth it. C&C shouldn’t hold you back from finding your person and hopefully these tips will help make sure that it never does! Communicate with your partner, remember the life lessons of Crohn’s Disease, be real, and have fun!

In order to mitigate a reaction and symptoms, follow our four secrets!


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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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The Benefits of Maca Root

What if we told you there was a superfood that could help you


  • Stay fit
  • Regulate your hormones
  • Boost your libido
  • Supply nutrition
  • Increase happy thoughts
  • And give you energy!


oh and without upsetting your stomach!


But guess what…for many of us dealing with Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis, it’s not! Maca root has been used for roughly 3,000 years for a number of its amazing health benefits. Maca, part of the radish family, grows in central Peru in the Andes Mountains. Macca has a sweet smell and an some what enjoyable taste


As anyone who suffers from Crohn’s or Colitis knows, the disease doesn’t only affect our digestion, but it has an array of negative effects on our lives. Maca root is an incredible superfood to add to your daily diet to give your whole body a little extra boost! Here why –


Have you ever had one of those sluggish mornings when you just can’t bear the thought of getting out of bed? We know we sure have! Especially for us who are anemic or are really sick. Getting any energy to do anything can be a large task. Maca Root can be a great asset to rebuilding the bodies natural strength and hormone production.


Most people tend to turn to a big cup of coffee to perk them up and give them an added boost of energy, but caffeine may not be the best option!


By getting rid of caffeine we help increase our ability to heal and return to normal healthy functions. When we replace it with Maca Root, we start to enhance all of these functions while simultaneously helping us sustain natural, long-term energy, mental clarity, libido, and overall experience of our lives.


So before reaching for that cup o’ joe, consider substituting it for Maca Root! However, the context in which we take it is very important so we do not set off a flare. There are tons of great recipes out there that range from drinks (hot & cold), simple snacks, and flavorful foods! We recommend starting with Organic Grounded Maca Root from a trust source like Gaia Herbs (email us for 25% discount on product).


Adding it to your morning shakes or a drink that you know you do well with.


Start with 1/2 a tablespoon before 5 pm preferably on a day you have to relax. Take slowly and try to listen carefully to your reaction. This product could not sit well with your body or you may be to sick to start taking.


Organic Vegan Shake:

  • 1 Cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 Frozen Banana
  • 1 cup of Baby Spinach
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1-2 multi-vitamins (break into shake)
  • 3-5mg of powdered L-Glutamine
  • 1/2-1 tablespoons of Grounded Maca Root


  • 1 Tablespoon of Grounded Psyllium Husk
  • 1 Tablespoon of Grounded Slippery Elm
  • 1 Scoop of Vegan Protein
  • 2-4 tablets of Chlorella

Unlike caffeine, Maca doesn’t just give you a quick boost of energy that will leave you feeling worse and malnourished in a couple of hours. Maca helps sustain energy while stimulating and regulating our immune system. In conclusion, we can start to increase our natural energy while receiving all the benefits of this superfood while reversing the symptoms of caffeine on our system. Huge pluses for us who are dealing with Crohn’s and Colitis!


Macca is often even used to treat Anemia (tired blood), and CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)!

Working Out

Since Maca enhances your body’s natural energy, athletic performance, and is full of nutrients, it’s great to include in your routine before your workouts. Try taking 20-30 minutes before exercising or a day with a lot of energy needed to sustain the activity.


Reproductive Benefits

Macca is also well known for its reproductive benefits!

For Women:


  • Helps maintain a healthy female hormone balance
  • Helps decrease menstrual issues
  • Improves fertility

Some women with Crohn’s and Colitis (especially those who have taken steroids for a prolonged period of time) may suffer from irregular and painful periods due to a hormone imbalance, such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).


Macca has been known to balance women’s hormones, helping with conditions like PCOS, as well as the symptoms associated with menopause and PMS!

For Men:


  • Helps decrease sexual disfunction (which can be caused by antidepressants or chronic depression)
  • Improves fertility
  • May increase sperm count and mobility
  • Acts as a natural aphrodisiac (widely used in the Andes!!)
  • Helps maintain a healthy prostate


Macca, considered a super food, is full of nutrition such as: Vitamins B-1, B-2, C, Vitamin E; Amino acids, free-form fatty acids; calcium; magnesium; potassium; copper; zinc; manganese; phosphorus; selenium; sulphur; sodium; and iron! Phew…


Translation: Macca root is packed with a lot of nutrients that will empower you to be the best version of yourself. Taking on Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis is no easy task. However, with small wins we can start reversing symptoms and live the life we always wanted.


Where & How to Buy it

Gaia Herbs is our favorite supplement brand! Although it is slightly more expensive, the quality and value is there.


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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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