
Laurie Bachler

Laurie has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a concentration in Marine Biology from Florida Atlantic University which was her first love and passion in life. After years in the field working on various projects on and near the ocean, she decided to pursue her other passion and started training for professional beach volleyball. She played on one of the US national tours for a short time before being diagnosed with UC in early 2016. After trying natural healing on her own for a couple years with minimal success and several hospitalizations, she joined CCL where she was able to jumpstart her healing journey. The tools and resources available through CCL have allowed her to continue investigating her underlying root cause issues and connect with an amazing community of positive like minded individuals. She is currently continuing her studies in Holistic Nutrition with the hopes of being able to positively impact our IBD community as one of their coaches!”


Hear the stories of people who’ve changed their life with our program.

Danielle was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis which led to her experiencing symptoms of extreme bloating, urgency, and a variety of other symptoms. These symptoms worsened until she was forced to take a leave of absence from the air force. With the help of private coaching and the Shield program, Danielle was able to use natural medicine in order to reverse her symptoms and lead a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Danielle, Ulcerative Colitis

Karen was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at a young age and had been dealing with symptoms for many years. Despite seeing some of the top doctors in the field Karen was still experiencing symptoms that had a drastic effect on her day to day life. With the use of natural medicine and the SHIELD program Karen has been able to eliminate her symptoms and medication use, and is feeling healthier than she has in years.

Karen, Ulcerative Colitis

Let's Get You BOOKED!

Before we schedule your complimentary IBD strategy session, please take 3-5 minutes to tell us a little bit about yourself so we can better prepare for your case. Please be specific about your symptoms, past experience, what you feel you need to get the results you desire. We looking forward to helping you get MASSIVE results!

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