
All of us from time to time get bad digestion. But if we are suffering from Crohn’s or Colitis it can be especially difficult. Did you know that your digestion can be improved with simple easy methods from the comfort of your home? Let us at Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle share all we know with you on digestion. Come learn our four secrets to better digestion!

Learn how to improve your digestion naturally!

Why is digestion so important?


Digestion as you probably know is the process to break down foods. This extensive process is also responsible for nourishing our bodies, and how we digest can affect all systems including our mental/emotional status (which involves our second brain which is the gut), as nutrients are needed for that process.


When bad digestion occurs we are missing those nutrients, minerals, and molecules that are absorbed in the bloodstream to give us the energy to replenish our cells and so much more!


With IBD (Crohn’s & Colitis) our digestion can be greatly impaired! A number of factors can attribute to this but mainly it’s due to an unbalanced microbiome.


So what can you do to improve digestion that does not impair microbiome healing? Check out our 4 key steps to better digestion!

Our Four key steps to better Digestion:

#1 Carminagest

CarminaGest™ is a powerful digestive support formula containing herbal bitters designed to optimize healthy digestion and help reduce occasional gastrointestinal discomfort after meals, such as gas, bloating, and excessive fullness.*

This product is ideal for individuals that are sensitive to supplementation with hydrochloric acid (HCl, stomach acid) and for vegetarians and vegans who may benefit from digestive support but who prefer to avoid animal-sourced digestive enzymes.

This product would be considered a bitter. Bitters have been used for increased digestion.

What we love about this product are the digestion properties, but it also has helped people with symptoms of nausea or upset tummies as it contains ginger and other things. You can also take this with meals.


The CEO and founder of CCLifetyle like to use this product and drink it as a tea with G.I Revive capsules to improve digestion, increase permeability and soothe the gut!


Dane Johnson’s Digestion Tea

  • 1-7 capsules of G.I revive
  • 1-2 capsules of Carminagest


Determine how many capsules you will take based on your sensitivity and symptoms. Open the capsules and dump them into hot water. Mix well and add honey for taste.


We recommend starting with one capsule of G.I revive and Carmingest to make sure you tolerate it and increase from there. The Carmingest has a strong ginger flavor so we recommend starting with just one and titrate up from there.


Carmingest helps digestion but also with negative GI symptoms.

#2 Apple Cider Vinegar


You may have heard a lot about APC and wondered what the deal is? APC is naturally acidic so depending on what gut issues you have it can be a god-sent or not beneficial to you.


When it comes to digestion since APC is acidic for someone who has low stomach acid this can increase those acid levels, potentially lower negative bacteria (as it’s considered an antibacterial agent), and aid in digestion.


Unlike what most people say about acids, acids are essential to properly break down foods so they are crucial! Bloating and gas that people experience can also be helped with APC. Its been well known for helping with this because acids can be increased to help digestion.


If your acids are low give this method some deep thought!


To read more on this topic consult this blog all on APC! 🙂

#3 Lower Stress levels


Did you know that stress can affect digestion? When in high-stress states adrenaline, hormones and digestion are all affected!


But here’s what a lot of people don’t know is that the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated when we are not stressed when we are calm and relaxed. In this state, we can calmly eat and chew. This stimulates the production of enzymes in our saliva! These enzymes assist with digesting our food.


Make sure you always salivate before and during eating! And that when you eat you are in a safe and happy state so you can be calm.

#4 Ox Bile

Ox bile has been known to help with digestion, especially of fats. Fats can be really hard for some people to digest but especially for those with gut disorders. Many of those people get bloating and flatulence.


In this case ox bile, lipase, and amylase enzymes will help with breaking all of this down doing the work for you! Then the bloating, gas flatulence should decrease.


Digestzymes that we carry in our shop have all of the above-mentioned essential enzymes for breaking down fats and helping with digestion problems.


We recommend when taking these with fat take 200-500mg of ox bile with meals with high fats. This would be equivalent to one or two capsules of digestzymes per meal. Take these in the middle of the meal.


To learn more on why fats are more of a challenge to digest read here:

Note on Enzymes:

Please note that enzymes are not intended to be taken forever! You want your body to make them on their own and not become reliant on them! So while you take your enzymes until your digestion improves make sure to explore the above suggestions to help your body begin making them properly too (Carmingest, APC, and lower stress.)

The Pros and Cons of Betaine


Betaine HCI or HCL is an ingredient that is in a lot of enzymes including Digestzymes that can increase stomach acid and a healthy acid PH. But there are some things to think about. This compound has the potential to cause ulcers in the body.


We have found that Betaine is very helpful for those with SIBO but as it can cause (or possibly exacerbate existing ulcers) which may be found in those with Crohn’s and Colitis you will want to consult a doctor on this issue.


Some of our clients have tolerated it just fine and some have not. So think about this carefully and do what is best for you! If you do take Betaine start out with one capsule during meals and see how your body responds.


If you want to read more on Betaine consult this blog.



In this section, we provide you with simple takeaway tips and a quick reference guide from us so that you can implement this in your daily health regimen!


*A quick tip:
Here’s a tip on how to create an environment good for digestion. Smiling during a meal can stimulate the parasympathetic system and those enzymes as we discussed. So enjoying a meal with friends or a funny tv show can help your body to stay in a state of rest and better assimilate and digest your meal.

CCLifestyle’s Quick Reference Sheet-
Herx reaction



As we have discussed digestion problems can occur but there are natural solutions.

In order to mitigate a reaction and symptoms, follow our four secrets!


You can find all of the products mentioned in our CCLIFESTYLE shop at discounted rates with the First10 – 10$ discount code!


P.S If you sign up for our newsletter you can receive a 10% discount code for EVERY order!


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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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