What is an elemental diet? How does it assist with gut health? And how does Absorb Plus help with this process? In this post, we will discuss all the benefits of doing this diet and how Absorb Plus comes into play! Let us at Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle offer our tips on this awesome diet!

An elemental diet: one of the keys to gut success with Absorb Plus!

What is an elemental diet?


In a very quick synopsis, an elemental diet contains predigested nutrients and is all liquid. But this barely begins to cover all the details of this diet and how it can help!


The fabulous Jini Patel Thompson has done extensive research and has formulated her product, Absorb Plus, which is a fully elemental diet shake! She had widespread Crohn’s disease and cured herself of it. Her health protocols are a cornerstone of CCL’s regimens. She is just brilliant! You can read her journey here!


So we are going to give you a full explanation of this diet straight from Jini Patel and her Absorb Plus site:

“An elemental diet is a completely liquid diet with pre-digested nutrients that are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream (within 20 minutes). An elemental liquid diet gives your gastrointestinal system a rest, but still supplies your nutritional needs. It is also referred to as a bowel rest diet.


The stool that results from an elemental diet is greatly reduced in volume and usually liquid, so it gives your colon a rest from passing normal bowel movements, which can allow your colon and bowel to heal faster.


The elemental diet was first used by NASA as a convenient way to provide astronauts with optimum nutrition while limiting fecal matter (bowel movements). Elemental liquid diets have since been prescribed to treat serious inflammatory bowel disorders such as Crohn’s disease or with SIBO, or pre/post-surgery, Cancer, or other conditions that limit a person’s ability to eat or digest food effectively.”


She continues:


“When everything you eat makes you feel sick or in pain (or even causes intestinal bleeding), you quickly become afraid of eating. Combine this anxiety with the fatigue that accompanies a chronic illness like IBD, cancer, fibromyalgia, or AIDS, and it becomes very difficult to ingest enough nutrients every day to meet your body’s needs.

What if there was a pre-digested food that only took 5 minutes to prepare and made your gut feel soothed and safe? A quick, easy, 100% natural way to nourish your body with top quality nutrition, from which all of the crucial nutrients could be properly digested and absorbed – regardless of the state of your gastrointestinal tract?

The nutrients are in pre-digested form so they require very little digestion and the nutrients are easily and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. In this way, an elemental diet supplies your nutritional needs whilst giving your digestive system a rest. It can be helpful for people with colitis, Crohn’s, diverticulitis, severe IBS, AIDS, the elderly, and some forms of cancer – especially when combined with targeted healing substances and bone broths.

The stool that results from an elemental diet is greatly reduced in volume and usually liquid, therefore, it also gives your colon a rest from passing normal stool and this helps colonic wounds to heal faster.”

Here is a part of Jini’s journey on these shakes, Jini says: “I used an elemental diet to recover from a bout of hemorrhaging that left me weighing 99 lbs (I’m 5’7″). In six weeks I weighed 135 pounds and was working out at the gym 3 times a week (my complete story and instructions on the type of elemental diet I used are in my book The IBD Remission Diet.)”

This is where Absorb Plus comes in! 🙂

Absorb Plus


See what the Absorb Plus site has to say about their shakes:

ABSORB PLUS® is an extremely high quality, 100% natural shake developed as an excellent source of protein, to maintain muscle and immune function, and provide vitamins and minerals to your body.*


Absorb Plus contains the most desirable types of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in forms and proportions designed for optimum use. The whey isolate protein contained in Absorb Plus has a biological value (a measure of protein quality) of 159, one of the highest available in a protein shake – it is casein-free and lactose-free.


Absorb Plus has been used by many thousands of people worldwide since its introduction in 2002. We sincerely believe that there is no other protein shake on the market that is equal in taste or quality to all-natural Absorb Plus.

Absorb Plus-its impact on the Gut

Not only does this shake provide nutrition great for the body, but it also provides BOWEL REST, as Jini mentioned earlier.

Bowel rest is extremely important especially with cases of IBD-Crohn’s or Colitis and is a fundamental part of our protocols at CCL.


It allows your GI tract to rest by not having to work and pump out solid foods. When solid foods pass through the digestive system of someone with IBD it can cause strictures, ulcers, fissures, fistulas to re-tear/open. Or other negative things. By having all liquids, the bowel can easily pass the food without damage and allow time to heal the above issues or others.

See all the benefits below! 🙂

Benefits of Absorb Plus:


  • Easy and gentle on your stomach and digestive system
  • Has the ability to help lose weight
  • Helps maintain or gain solid weight (not fat)
  • Daily nutritional support
  • Delicious taste – and all-natural!
  • Feel more energy and sleep better
  • Provides bowel rest

Using Absorb plus for Food allergies & Clearance

If you suffer from IBS, SIBO, or need to clear out things for a fresh start-read Jini’s blog and video interview with Josh Sabourin from The SIBO survivor show to see how Absorb Plus can be used for all of these issues!


Jini says: “People can use an elemental diet for a short period of time (example 2-3 weeks) to clear out whatever is irritating the gut, while still providing the body with top-quality nutrients. This builds muscle, helps to maintain weight, and can assist in weight loss during that period (adjust calorie intake accordingly).

It also assists with the bacterial clear-out, because if you are not eating carbs, grains, beans, etc. there are no undigested carbs going into the colon or different parts of the small intestine for the bacteria to eat – thus shifting the gut flora. Of course, if you can add a natural antimicrobial and high dose probiotic supplementation at the same time, you can get the best results from your time on the diet!”



Quick Elemental Diet
Duration: 2 Weeks

2-week Elemental Diet for gut flora reset, for people who do not need to gain additional weight.
5 shakes per day – order 7 tubs*

Moderate Elemental Diet
Duration: 3 Weeks

3-week Elemental (bowel rest) for moderate gut discomfort, and wanting to maintain current weight.
7 shakes per day – order 15 tubs*

Full Elemental Diet
Duration: 6 Weeks

6-week Elemental (bowel rest) for moderate gut discomfort, and wanting to maintain current weight.
7 shakes per day – order 30 tubs*

Half Elemental Diet
Duration: 6 Weeks

6-week Diet that is half elemental, and half regular well-tolerated foods, for people seeking relief.
2 shakes per day – order 9 tubs*

TIPS: Alternate whey isolate with Vegan formula to avoid intolerance. Test a few samples first to make sure you like them and have no allergies.

Please Note:

As previously stated, we strongly advise you purchase a few sample sizes of Absorb Plus, or just 1 tub, before buying the volume needed to do a full elemental diet. This will allow you to check for allergies or intolerance to any of the ingredients.

Signs of intolerance or food allergy can include brain fog, grogginess, sore joints, headaches, nausea, gut pain, skin rash, blurred vision, asthma, chest pains, edema, elevated blood pressure, etc.

Absorb Plus Flavors

The other great thing about Absorb plus is the flavors! There are so many variations and flavors!


Absorb Plus variations:


  • Sweetened
  • Unsweetened (UNSWEETENED has flavors but no added sweeteners and the rest of the flavors are sweetened with natural fructose and stevia)
  • Vegan
  • Simply Absorb Plus (SIMPLY is sweetened with dextrose and stevia)


Within these variations are numerous flavors!


Absorb Plus is available in 3 versions

Here are just a few:


  1. Regular version – sweetened with natural fructose and stevia extract
    Chocolate Royale
    Banana Coconut Cream
  2. Simply version – sweetened with dextrose and stevia extract
    Simply Vanilla
  3. Unsweetened version – no added sweeteners
    Unsweetened Chocolate
  4. Vegan
    UNSWEETENED Vanilla Brulee

How to use:


At CCL many of our clients like to use these shakes throughout the day without any whole foods, to provide complete bowel rest. But each person is different and the needs are different, so consult one of our professionals if you have any questions!

How To Mix Absorb Plus From Jini Patel Thompson:


  • Pour 1 cup (8 ounces) of cold water* into a shaker or blender, then add:
  • 1 tsp. – 1 tbsp. organic flax, MCT, or Udo’s Oil (as much as you can tolerate)
  • 4 level scoops Absorb Plus
  • Shake vigorously, or whip on low speed for 10 seconds
  • Add ice (if you wish) and drink slowly.

*Use cold or room temperature water (spring or filtered recommended). Do not use hot water. You can use liquids other than water (raw milk, nut milk, rice milk, etc) but then the shake will no longer be elemental. Refrigerate any unused portion and discard after 4 hours.


Here is a video from Jini that will explain in more detail how to test the product for tolerance and other tips and tricks!

CCL community Reviews of our two favorite Absorb Plus flavors!

Absorb Plus Vegan Vanilla review

Absorb Plus Chocolate Royal Review 



In this section, we provide you with simple takeaway tips and a quick reference guide from us so that you can implement this in your daily health regimen!


*A quick tip:
Many of our members like to use this shake morning and night if not using it all day to provide hours of bowel rest!


Additional tip-did you know that this shake can be a food clearance mechanism and could potentially help to clear out overgrowths? This is a great blog on how these shakes can assist with eradicating overgrowths.

CCLifestyle’s Quick Reference Sheet- Absorb Plus


  • Start on sample sizes of flavors you like and test tolerance
  • Begin on Absorb Plus and increase the frequency until you get to the dose needed for your own needs! 🙂
  • P.S UNSWEETENED Vanilla Brulee is our most popular flavor at CCL! Our members LOVE it!

You can find all of the products mentioned in our CCLIFESTYLE shop at discounted rates with the First10 – 10$ discount code!


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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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