
You may not be familiar with N-ACETYL CYSTEINE (NAC.) It’s a product that often goes under the radar, but in no way does that imply the impact it has on health! NAC is a powerful antioxidant that has been known to possibly assist with some diseases as well as gut restrictions/issues. Let us at Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle share all we know with you NAC.

N-ACETYL CYSTEINE (NAC) and its impact on the gut!



NAC is an amino acid that helps the liver clean itself and the blood. NAC is used by the body to fight illness by building up the immune system, and is a precursor to glutathione to help make and replenish it (which is the most powerful antioxidant!)! Glutathione helps to protect against free radicals in the body so we want to keep those levels high!


Just a brief reminder: Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins in the body. Essential amino acids that we need come from our food (or supplements) as our bodies do not make these naturally! So for the body to function at maximum capacity we need these amino acids!


When taken in supplemental form, NAC would most likely be listed as L-cysteine (if you are looking at a supplement bottles label; that’s what to look for!)

How NAC aides with Detox pathways


NAC is super great for detoxing! If you have too many endotoxins in your system and need extra support with detox pathways, NAC will be your friend! Since NAC is a precursor to creating glutathione, the detox pathways can be opened and supported with NAC.

Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant! Glutathione helps to detox or eliminate toxins and pathogens when organs are functioning properly. Glutathione predominantly works in the intestines, lungs, liver, and kidneys. So by taking the precursor to glutathione, NAC, you are supporting all of those organs!


Got liver problems? NAC is great to support the liver, and by supporting the liver you support that gut, to flush out the stuff we don’t want in our bodies!


NAC can also be used after alcohol consumption or hangovers as it cleans the liver.

Benefits of NAC


In various studies, they found that NAC may affect the metabolic pathways of bacteria found in the gut.


See exactly what this case study has to say:

It has been reported that NAC tends to protect cells against oxidative stress, inhibit the development of gut injury, and reduce intestinal lipid peroxidation and the levels of free radicals, restoring the activities of antioxidant enzymes to normal levels.”

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-37296-x

The importance of our gut and gut health cannot be reiterated enough! So when we take amino acids like NAC, we can build up and strengthen this area just as bricks build up a home.


Glutathione and its benefits to the gut are numerous. NAC is essential to make and support glutathione in the body! By taking NAC you are giving yourself one of the building blocks to glutathione. Just think, you can make glutathione on your own with your amazing body if you give it the right tools. This antioxidant can then go in and get to work on that gut!


NAC can also increase the immune system as it has been known by many to suppress viral replication. This study done shows that virus replication and the flu were both affected positively by NAC.


NAC also reduces inflammation. NAC is an L-cysteine semi amino acid. With inflammation, in the body, our L-cysteine levels may become very low resulting in higher inflammatory loads.


Supplementing with NAC can help to engage the antioxidants and glutathione to reduce inflamed tissue and the loads that are causing the inflammation.


Here is a quick recap so far of what NAC can do:

  • Lowers inflammation
  • Precursor to glutathione
  • Can suppress viral loads by lowering viral cell replication
  • Protect against oxidative stress & free radicals

How to use NAC


Many of our clients actually use NAC with our Quercetin Ascorbate product to manage their allergies! (see more below in our quick tips) If you take NAC for this reason we recommend taking 1 capsule daily and managing as symptoms vary.


If you are struggling with detoxing, liver malfunction or the like, daily supplementation of NAC is crucial! In this case, NAC with additional tools we like to use such as an infrared sauna and our Hepatone plus can support the liver magnificently and really detox!


To prevent a HERX reaction , NAC can be taken to keep toxin loads low! That way when you do take anti-pathogens your liver and detox pathways aren’t so blocked which will result in a lower percentage of getting a HERX.


If you struggle with any of the above we recommend daily supplementation with NAC of one capsule for a day.


For maintenance take as needed or one capsule daily.


In this section, we provide you with simple takeaway tips and a quick reference guide from us so that you can implement this in your daily health regimen!

*A quick tip:


NAC is AMAZING for the lungs! It has proven to be very helpful to all of our clients with allergies and to purge stuff from the lungs like mucus!


Supplement daily with NAC if you have allergies, asthma, or flu-like symptoms with lung congestion! It’s well known for its great benefit on the lungs and lung health, even after workouts for quicker recovery!

Who doesn’t want a product that does it all? Why take multiple supplements when one does the trick? For all products mentioned in this blog visit our shop here!


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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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