You may not be familiar with Indigo Naturalis. This tried and true herb has been a great support for many of our clients who experience bleeding in particular. Indigo Naturalis can target colon inflammation and gut dysbiosis in many cases. Let us at Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle share all we know with you about Indigo Naturalis.

Are you bleeding rectally and tried everything? See what Indigo Naturalis offers!

What is Indigo Naturalis?


Indigo Naturalis, also known as Qing Dai, is an ancient Chinese herb. It is an herb that is made from Baphicacanthus cusia (Nees) Bremek or other forms of nature as there are a few avenues in nature it can be extracted from. It is known for its beautiful blue color as a dye! It can be made into a powder, paste, or pellets so that it can be consumed. As you can see from this article, the process is extensive and fascinating! You can find images of the entire process in this article.

It is one of those herbs that has been used since ancient times. So it’s definitely been around the block! Since it has a beautiful striking color it was used as a pigment in the middle ages for cosmetic or medicinal purposes as it can be used for a vast range of things!

Indigo Naturalis for the Gut & Rectal Bleeding

Are you bleeding rectally? This is so common with Crohn’s and Colitis so take a peek at what this herb might have to offer.


Indigo Naturalis has for some (and see the study below) shown to help activate an anti-inflammatory cytokine called IL-22 (Interleukin-22). This cytokine helps to regulate the epithelial cell wall or the mucosal lining to help it mend.


We at CCL have found that it targets the colon specifically, so those with U.C. might want to talk to their doctor about this. 


We found that with our clients it helped for some and for others it didn’t work at all.

About 50% of people who were diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in our community got very quick blood elimination and the other 50% had none at all.


An intensive study was done on people with Ulcerative colitis who had rectal bleeding and severe inflammation in the colon. After just 4 weeks of rectal suppositories with Indigo Naturalis, they noticed a 30%-40% improvement and rectal bleeding was significantly improved.


Mucosal healing had also been found through colonoscopy.


For some of our clients,  Indigo has proven to be a great strategy!


Perhaps you don’t have bleeding but have other gut imbalances. In this case, the information below may help you!


According to this study gut dysbiosis in rats was decreased by taking Indigo Naturalis.

Dysbiosis is any imbalance in the gut, so the elimination of this might be possible thanks to Indigo Naturalis.


Take a look and ask your physician about it!

Full-spectrum extracts


The Indigo Naturalis we carry is a part of full-spectrum extracts! This means it contains all the active chemical constituents of whole herbs in concentrated form. Full-spectrum extracts most closely mimic the effects of whole herbs because full-spectrum extracts contain the same balance of chemical constituents and the same complex interactions between chemical constituents as whole herbs.


In the US, many herbal extracts on the market are known as standardized extracts. Standardized extracts concentrate a single chemical within the herb to a specified concentration, which is expressed as a percentage (0.01% to 99%). The specified chemical is isolated using chemical solvents like alcohol, acetone, or hexane so that it may be added to botanical materials to reach a specified concentration.


Full-spectrum extracts contain the same balance of chemical constituents and the same complex interactions between chemical constituents as whole herbs.


Standardized extracts are particularly prevalent in the West, where medical research is often focused on the effects of an isolated chemical. The benefit of standardization is that batch-to-batch concentrations are consistent; however, many other important chemicals may be lost or diluted in the process. As a result, no matter the concentration of the specified chemical, the medicinal value of standardized extracts cannot be considered comparable to that of whole herbs or of full-spectrum extracts.


Treasure of the East’s herbal extracts are full-spectrum, water-based extracts produced by Tianjiang Pharmaceutical. Tianjiang’s two-step extraction process captures water-soluble active components and essential oils using only purified water. Tianjiang’s patented dry granulation process minimizes heat and the use of excipients compared to common wet spray techniques, and in doing so minimizes the denaturation and dilution of active chemical constituents. These processes help ensure that Treasure of the East herbal extracts align as closely as possible to the original whole herb.

How to use Indigo Naturalis 

(Before using please consult with your doctor as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.)


In Chinese medicine, Indigo Naturalis is known to work best in warm climates. If you are in a cold climate or in winter, Chinese medicine believes that the Indigo does not work as well. So what to do then? If the bleeding is still occurring or doesn’t stop, Yunnan Bayaio would be a good substitute for Indigo Naturalis. This could be something to look into as some have found it helpful for their bleeding with Ulcerative Colitis. This herb was used in World War II to help with internal bleeding and saved a lot of soldiers’ lives. 


Dane himself takes ¼ teaspoon of Indigo Naturalis once a day, holding the pellets in his mouth, and then drinks them down with water.  Many like to add them to their daily smoothie so they don’t have to worry about the pellet-like texture. 


*Please note: Indigo does not mix well in water, blend, crush, or anything like that. Just so you are advised before consumption. The texture and size of Indigo Naturalis can be compared to small pellets that you hold in the mouth. 


The two herbs mentioned above are both very old and long-used Chinese herbs! Indigo is also very cost-effective! Some studies suggest that if you have liver inflammation or high cholesterol, Indigo might exacerbate those issues. You should be careful if you have those conditions and always seek your health care professionals guidance before trying any of these herbs!



In this section, we provide you with simple takeaway tips and a quick reference guide from us so that you can implement this in your daily health regimen!

*A quick tip: If you suffer from bleeding please check out our blood blocker bundle!


The combo kit is designed to eliminate the Blood!

The Blood Blocker Includes:


x1 Indigo
x1 Gi Revive
x1 Comfrey Root
Optional Bonus:
x1 BPC-157 Could help keep that blood at bay!


Don’t let your bleeding get you down, consult with a professional and look into all we have to offer on this matter! For all products mentioned in this blog visit our shop here!

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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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2 years ago

You talk about a study done with suppositories but you don’t explain how much indigo to use in a suppository. You only talk about taking 1/4 t orally. Can you advise on how to make suppositories?

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