With so many probiotics out there it makes it impossible to know which one is actually the best for your gut. In this post, we will discuss the best probiotic brand for a healthy gut and those that struggle with gut disorders such as Crohn’s and Colitis. We will give you the low down on probiotics and why we ONLY use the Natren brand for all of our clients. We will also include tips on use and the science to back up this quality brand. Let us at Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle share with you all our secrets on probiotics! 🙂
We have all heard it from our Gut Health Experts. “You must take a probiotic”. But finding one that works can be a struggle especially for Crohn’s and Colitis patients because we need one that brings results and maximizes our healing.
How does one sort through all of the brands and the massive confusion around all of them? We are here to talk about probiotics and then specifically the brand we’ve used to help eliminate gut disorders and symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn’s, which is Natren Probiotics.
We will go over what Natren Probiotics is and the 7 reasons why Natren is the best brand and tips on how to use their products.
Natren is honestly the best probiotic brand, for Crohn’s & Colitis patients-or anyone really. We specialize in gut health and so you can believe us when we tell you that Natren is the way to go.
These probiotics will become your best friends in your healing journey. For even the extremely sensitive patient, these probiotics give you everything you need at the highest quality and correct quantity. There is nothing out there that compares to this brand. By getting a glimpse into their process, the measures that are taken to ensure quality, and why Natren stands out as a brand, you will be able to take their products with confidence.
We will now break down the WHY to use only Natren and 7 reasons that back up our passion, as to why this is the absolute best probiotic brand.
Natren Probiotics guarantee 100% colony-forming unit (CFU) potency. It goes through the Trenev Process that ensures its stability and survivability of the live bacteria.
Also, Natren’s 3-in-1 capsules contain an oil- matrix for maximum intestinal delivery. This technology uses the oil-matrix system to micro-enrobe each of these super strains of bacteria to keep them separated and virtually 100% protected from the stomach’s gastric juices.
NO company on the market has their unique and effective process! Natren ensures that its product survives and is active through the expiration date.
The reason they go through an extensive and expensive process is to ensure the live bacteria stays intact!
*Probiotic fact that most people don’t know:
Each probiotic bacterial strain needs to be SEPARATED inside a capsule to be effective and have the dosing you need. This comes from the science of the amazing Natasha Trenev. She explains that this is because bacteria compete!
Natren goes through HUGE efforts to ensure the bacteria are all separated even in their capsules so that you can get the benefits! This is so fabulous because then when we take the bacteria it can actually work and be effective in our GI system to fix and regulate our guts!
Another impressive thing is the dark amber glass bottles that they all are packaged in and the continuous refrigeration.
Since probiotics are living bacteria they can be weakened or killed by prolonged exposure to moisture or heat. The dark amber glass bottles offer protection from moisture, whereas plastic bottles may allow moisture and gases inside over time.
The packaging is so meticulous and their products are refrigerated the ENTIRE time, which is not what other companies do.
Bacteria are live as we have already covered, so they must be refrigerated and packaged correctly to ensure their efficacy. Live bacteria cannot be thrown on shelves. The bacteria needs to be cultured and preserved properly or it won’t be effective. Just that simple. Natren knows that and does something about it!
We at CCLIFESTYLE have all been survivors of Crohn’s & Colitis ourselves, we have tried every probiotic, and have never seen a company that took such measures to ensure the efficiency of their products.
CFU stands for Colony-forming units. We will explain more about this and why it is important. The number of colony-forming units is important because most other probiotics do not even have this listed on their bottles!
The minimum serving you should have is 1 billion CFU, and this is the least amount of organisms you can take to get a measurable effect and results. A therapeutic amount is around 10 billion CFU.
Natren has always listed the potency of specific strains in CFU, even when no other companies were doing so.
When it comes to CFU’s however a higher number does not always indicate a better product. You need to keep in mind how protected the probiotics are and how well they will survive transit, storage, and shelf life.
Many probiotics offer little or no protection to assist them to move through the digestive tract, to reach our small and large intestine where they are the most active. But to get them through our highly acidic stomach alive is where it gets tricky. When companies are unable to protect their product or guarantee shelf stability they usually tend to crank up the CFU numbers in hopes that dumping all of these will result in a few survivors.
But without proper protection, high CFU’s aren’t even necessary. What’s most important is that you look at the quality and the number of identified strains present and how they are being delivered to the active site in your GI tract.
The strains, many times called super strains, are carefully selected strains of beneficial bacteria and their products do not contain GMOs, Soy, Gluten, FOS, and there are dairy-free options.
This alone is extremely impressive. To find a brand that guarantees super strains and does not contain at least one of the previous additives is very hard to find. And for those of us who have dairy as their enemy number one, Natren got us covered!
We have mentioned super strains in this blog but what exactly are these?
These are strains of beneficial bacteria for a given application such as Lactobacillus acidophilus NAS.
The NAS strain is a proprietary strain discovered by Natasha Trenev. No other probiotic company in the world has access to the use of this particular super strain. It is known as an especially “sticky” probiotic that sticks to the walls of the intestine.
Many brands use outside contracting to manufacture their probiotics outside of the USA, or far from their packaging facility. Natren produces its probiotics in its state-of-the-art production facility in Westlake Village, California USA, where they ferment, culture, and package all their probiotics right on site!
They are experienced manufacturers that produce the probiotics locally. Their pharmaceutical-grade facility is set up to maintain proprietary full-culture and freeze-drying processes to preserve and nourish beneficial probiotics.
Their facility offers an option for everyone, even for pets! There is also a variety of forms of application, as they offer powders, capsules, and even instructions on how to make your own face mask.
As previously mentioned Natren keeps their strains separate, but this is such an important issue we want to delve into more, and you can read more on multi-strain probiotics from Natasha Trenev herself.
They are the only custom probiotic manufacturer and distributor to keep each strain separate.
Why is this so important? When you pick up a bottle of probiotics from the store, generally it is thought that it’s best to purchase a brand with the most strains listed on the ingredients panel.
However, bacteria are naturally competitive, competing with their neighbors for space and resources.
Probiotics are live bacteria.
The problem is when you ingest a probiotic with many species, how do you know which ones are sticking in your system and colonizing?
Natren thus keeps each bacteria species in separate bottles to guarantee probiotic product potency and for your benefit. You now don’t have to doubt which bacteria are in or not in your system.
If this is a new thought to you and your mind is exploding right now by this, let it sink in and come over to the Natren side.
So many choices with Natren, can make it appear overwhelming. However, it is quite simple.
Natren is here for you, so the probiotics can be catered to your needs, and your gut goals, which is why they are so multifaceted. In the next section, we will explain how we recommend using Natren probiotics.
At Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle, where we focus on healing naturally, we recommend starting with the BIFIDO FACTOR/DIGEST LAC/MEGADOPHILUS COMBO PACK.
This comes in a dairy-free option or a dairy-based powdered pack.
What is nice about this pack is that these are Natren’s powdered probiotics so they are much easier to manage the dosage.
You can start with as little as 1/16th of a teaspoon and gradually work up as your gut colonizes the new bacteria. We recommend starting out slowly, especially if your gut is sensitive. Some began with just a pinch of one strain to start.
Private coaching is offered with us at CCLIFESTYLE that can assist you in catering to your new probiotic regiment and all your natural healing needs. For Crohn’s and Colitis patients starting on Natren probiotics, you can discuss with your doctor about trying the following recommendations:
The powders and capsules both come with a dairy-free option, so choose according to your needs. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and night until the gut feels balanced and recolonized with good bacteria.
You want to increase to 1 teaspoon of each probiotic powder if possible, but consult a doctor and listen to your body.
Depending on your gut health you can do this as slowly or as quickly as needed. Then, eventually, you can lower down to one dose a day, as your gut health increases, still maintaining this probiotic regimen as a daily practice.
Natasha Trenev recommends doing a technique called Probiotic layering with her products for the best results. This is a more intense and in-depth technique that should be done with the assistance of a coach at CCLIFESTYLE as many Crohn’s & Colitis patients tend to HERX at first when they try this technique and introduce new beneficial bacteria. This is completely normal but you will need to have someone with you to guide you on this. Having an experienced professional who knows all of this and can pivot treatment according to your needs is essential.
This basic knowledge of probiotics and just a few facts about the company makes so much sense and makes it now incredibly easy for you to choose the right probiotic. Natren all the way.
Even Natren’s logo has a hard-hitting message: ‘Serious probiotics for people who take their health seriously.’
Shop with CCLIFESTYLE now & get instant savings because you and your health are worth it! If you want to begin your journey to health and wellness with Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis or you are ready to amp up your game on your road of healing, Natren is a necessity to add to your “healing toolkit.”
CCLIFESTYLE is filled with people from all around the world who have healed themselves naturally from Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis. You don’t have to suffer on this journey alone. That is why we at CCLIFESTYLE are dedicated to helping those in need and to offer discounts on ALL of our products.
Order here today and start your Natren journey to gut health!
P.S Order through us and you will receive all products at 10% off, just for joining our newsletter on EVERY order
Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.
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