Did you know that a HERX reaction can be treated and alleviated with simple easy methods from the comfort of your home? Let us at Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle share all we know with you on Herxheimer reactions and symptoms.

Do you have a Herxheimer reaction? Learn how to treat it naturally!

What exactly is a Herxheimer reaction and its symptoms? You may have heard that term being thrown around a lot recently. We at Crohn’s & Colitis Lifestyle are not unfamiliar with this term or its symptoms. It is a part of what we encounter quite often with our patients of Crohn’s and Colitis. But it is not limited to just patients of IBD. We not only will share with you the symptoms of a HERX but also simple, easy solutions! We are excited to share with you what we know and how you can treat it with all-natural efforts!


Why is it so important to discuss this topic? Because many people suffer from this reaction and have no idea what it means or what to do. Thus they are left powerless and with no guidance or relief. We at CCLifestyle are all about empowerment. So we want to offer our tools to you so you can take your power back and know exactly what to do if and when this reaction occurs.


In this post, we will define what a TRUE Herxheimer actually is, what its symptoms are, and the three best secrets to mitigate a Herx.

What is a Herxheimer reaction?


According to this source, a Herxheimer is a natural bodily response triggered by a release of endotoxins. An endotoxin is a toxin that is present inside a bacteria cell. So when the bacteria dies, like during a treatment to heal someone’s root cause issue, this toxin is released into the body via the bloodstream. Therefore symptoms present themselves. This allows the toxins to be transported to the appropriate system and subsequently expelled from the body. 

However, rapid destruction of bacteria can cause an influx of endotoxins resulting in greater toxicity. When this occurs, the immune system responds by triggering an acute immune response resulting in inflammation that may be experienced throughout the body.


To put it simply it is a bodily reaction to a substance/treatment when pathogens (bacterial/fungal/viral overgrowths) are dying. It’s like an overload on your system. With these pathogens dying and toxins being released the body can be overloaded and respond in kind with a HERX.


A true Herx is a reaction to endotoxins being released by the death of microorganisms (pathogens.) This reaction can occur when treating a person with holistic modalities or on a course of antibiotics to kill an infection.


This is where the term ‘die-off’ began. As it’s a short phrase used to explain the reaction occurring as pathogens are in the process of dying.


This is valuable to know what a true Herx is so that when identified properly you can treat it and look for ways to lessen the impact of the reaction. The symptoms it causes are dependent on the individual and can vary greatly, so again now that you know what causes a Herx if you start getting symptoms ‘out of your norm’ while killing pathogens you can confidently deduce you are experiencing a Herx.


A Herxheimer symptom/reaction can happen to anyone. But often we have noticed that when we are getting to the bottom of treating a chronic disease (like Crohn’s and Colitis in which we specialize) a Herx often occurs. We specialize in helping people find solutions to their root cause issues (or the reason they got IBD in the first place.) So when you begin peeling back layers to get to the root cause, often when treating that root cause a Herx occurs. This is a very normal reaction. And we know exactly how to handle it. So for anyone who struggles with this make sure you soak in all of this goodness.

What are the symptoms of a Herx?


Now that you know what a true Herx can look like let’s go over the array of symptoms one could experience with this reaction.


Common Herx reaction symptoms:


  • Diarrhea
  • Hives
  • Constipation
  • Cramps
  • Joint Pain
  • Low-grade fever
  • Brain fog
  • Headaches
  • Heartburn
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Bloating


These are some of the most reported symptoms from our experience at CCLifestyle. But the symptoms can really be anything. We have had cases where the Herx was very mild and some who had more intense reactions.


When treating Crohn’s and Colitis patients often the reactions of the Herx occur in the GI tract. But for some, it can be a more systemic reaction such as fever or headaches. The point is when treating your body for overgrowths/pathogens/infections and the like lookout for these symptoms.


Then you can pivot your protocols to match the current needs of your body, assisting it to flush and detox these toxins out safely, minimizing reactions.

Why is learning about a Herx so Important?


We are all about the concept of knowledge is power. So if you have all this knowledge ahead of time you can potentially decrease any Herx symptoms if they occur, or even minimize a Herx occurring in the first place.


From our years of experience with helping those with Crohn’s and Colitis, we have been able to create protocols that assist the body in releasing toxins to make it safe and easy!


As you continue reading you can have free access to our secrets on treating a Herx.

Real-life examples of a Herx


A Herx is no fun, especially when you feel alone without resources. So we would like to share with you a real-life example of one of our patients. Having had suffered from Ulcerative colitis for over 15 years, Linsy was highly sensitive but was determined to heal her IBD with natural modalities. When we began introducing treatments she began to Herx, which came as no surprise to her, as this had happened all her life! She had a Herx reaction to just about everything! She calls herself the Queen of Herx as she would Herx very intensely to almost every treatment. She would start to get symptoms as soon as fifteen minutes after taking a supplement. Hives, bloating, itching, nausea-you name it, she experienced it!


You can watch her story here and what she did when she responded unfavorably to a treatment.


If her journey sounds similar, take heart as she was able to find a customized solution with the help of us at CCLifestyle, to where she could tolerate all the supplements (and HEAL her Ulcerative Colitis). You can too.

The importance of Detoxing-a key piece many people miss!


So you’ve got a bunch of toxins being released I your body and you feel crummy now what? We would like to introduce you to a good friend of ours at CCLIFESTYLE named DETOX.


A piece that a lot of people seem to miss when addressing a Herx is detoxing. When you have a bunch of toxins floating around you have to pull them out. This is accomplished in a few different ways but one big one is through a detox. Detoxing helps to pull that out either through urine, stool, or sweat. So depending on what you can tolerate and what feels good to the body, there are a few options, but we will discuss our favorite-The Infrared sauna.


An infrared sauna can allow the body to begin to purge those toxins through heat and sweat. This type of sweat is different than produced in the gym as it heats the inside of your body to the outside rather than traditional saunas. It is not water sweat which is the sweat we have in hot temperatures outside. In an infrared sauna session, you are sweating out toxins.


You can see this raw image below of our CEO and founder of CCLifestyle with his partner sweating out those toxins!


Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert on natural healing for digestive diseases, and she wrote a fantastic article on Use an Infrared Sauna for IBD Detox & Healing Support. So please check that out as well.

The three Secrets to mitigating/treating a Herx


We have now arrived at our three key secrets to treating a Herx. We are going to break down each one why it’s so beneficial and how we use it at CCLIFESTYLE.

1) GI Detox binder

Why: Gi Detox binder is a full spectrum binder and we love it! It has been a key cornerstone of our treatment protocol as the results are just fantastic. This binder attaches itself or ‘binds’ to any toxins and then gently pulls them out of the body.


Before taking this product though, you should consult a professional, to ensure its safe for your body and how it’s gonna be best for you! 


Since it’s a capsule form, you can have them with you wherever you are, which makes them convenient.


Some of our clients choose to take as many as 2-3 capsules each dose, with water on an empty stomach for severe Herx reactions. But this depends on the person, their tolerance and many factors-so follow the instructions on the label and ask your doctor. 


They sometimes repeat this throughout the day as needed and depending on the severity of the reaction.


*NOTE If you get constipated on this product, discontinue G.I Detox for a bit and go slower until constipation eases. And can use MagCitrate to ease constipation. You also should ideally take this on an empty stomach and with ALOT of water. If not enough water is consumed an inadequate flush and bind could occur. 


2) Taking breaks


Consider breaks in between your antipathogens (these are natural treatments to treat bacterial/fungal/viral overgrowths in your body.) Or any supplements that cause a Herx.


What this does is allow the body to recover, stabilize and detox as it has a break. This alien for some has stopped a Herx.

How: One tip we like to use is the 2 days on 1 day off method. For two days you remain on your supplement/antipathogen and then you take the next day off. Do not use it at all.


3) Liposomal Glutathione


*This product may be pricey but we have found it to be the MOST effective.


As previously mentioned detoxing is very helpful. Glutathione along with a slew of health benefits can also assist with detoxing. Glutathione is a very important antioxidant for the body. Glutathione detoxifies the body, especially the liver.


Taking this in a liposomal form can help target it directly to the bloodstream very quickly providing relief and detoxification.


We recommend taking ½ teaspoon to 1 Teaspoon of this in the mouth (up to a few times a day) to help support and detox the body during a Herx. You can get the right liposomal glutathione here with no negative additives that would affect a Herx.


Bonus Tip: Burbur Pinella can potentially help with reactions as we have noticed with a few clients. Do your own research and see if this strategy might work for you!


Just by reading this blog, we are offering a 10% one-time discount code for you to purchase any of these products! Use this code at checkout: First10 – 10$ discount code



In this section, we provide you with simple takeaway tips and a quick reference guide from us so that you can implement this in your daily health regimen!


*A quick tip: As part of our program with CCLifestyle, we also select the right probiotic for YOU and your symptoms from the absolute best probiotic company Natren. If you are unfamiliar with Natren take a quick peek at what they have to say when it comes to histamine and probiotic strains. Histamine and Herx reactions often go hand in hand. So this information can be invaluable when treating a Herx.

The use of the correct probiotics can also help alleviate Herx symptoms and help you bounce back faster!

CCLifestyle’s Quick Reference Sheet-Herx reaction

  • Infrared saunas & sweating
  • Take GI Detox binders as many as 2-3 capsules each dose as needed
  • Consider breaks in between your antipathogens (natural treatments to treat bacterial/fungal/viral overgrowths in your body) protocol
  • Liposomal Glutathione to assist with detoxing
  • Skin rashes
  • IBD symptoms

Natren’s Probiotic Layering


Natasha Trenev recommends doing a technique called Probiotic layering with her products for the best results. This is a more intense and in-depth technique that should be done with the assistance of a coach at CCLIFESTYLE as many Crohn’s & Colitis patients tend to HERX (backlink to herx blog) at first when they try this technique and introduce new beneficial bacteria. This is completely normal but you will need to have someone with you to guide you on this. Having an experienced professional who knows all of this and can pivot treatment according to your needs is essential.

As we have discussed a Herx occurs when pathogens are being killed by antibiotics or holistic measures. In order to mitigate a reaction and symptoms, you must make sure to detox and implement our three secrets to treating a Herx.


You can find all of the products mentioned in our CCLIFESTYLE shop at discounted rates with the First10 – 10$ discount code!


P.S If you sign up for our newsletter you can receive a 10% discount code for EVERY order!


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Before using any of the products or trying any of the treatments mentioned please consult with your doctor, as this is not medical advice and should not be used without medical supervision.

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